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Pop in a cassette, because we're using a VCR for integration testing

By Mo Omer

What is an integration?

Anything that facilitates connecting [sub-]system boundaries through inter-system communication.

(can be internal OR external)

Should you test integrations?

Only if...

You expect one or more particular responses to a request over some communication protocol or file format.

Surely, that's not right!?

Consider: any protocol or file format over which an application sends data and expects a response is covered.

So basically, yes, all integrations should be tested.

Ambitious statements (lies) we might tell ourselves

  • "The code only executes X branch only if we get a 200 response header, and it's so simple we don't need to test it."
  • "That's an internal service, and our implementation matches the docs, so we're good to go."
  • "I wrote that code, it'll never change, and if it does, I'll remember to update this."

Well, what sort of failure modes are we looking at?

  • "The unit tests pass, but something is wrong in production!"
  • "But we mocked the tests with data that came straight from the documentation website!"
  • "I pulled the mock data from a curl request, so all we have to do is figure out what changed! I'll compare with a failing request/response pair from production!"

Are unit tests under assault?

Unit tests:

  • Test your code vs. expectations
  • Test attributes and behavior of internal system vs. expected external system boundary attributes and behavior.

Unit testing helps!

"Does the code do what we expect it to do?"

func (s *ClientMockTestSuite) TestPlanClient_All() {
	s.serveMux.Get(bonsai.PlanAPIBasePath, func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
		respStr := `{
		_, err := w.Write([]byte(respStr))

	expect := []bonsai.Plan{...} // SOME UNMARSHALLED STRUCT WE EXPECT
	plans, err := s.client.Plan.All(context.Background())

	s.ElementsMatch(expect, plans, "elements expected match elements in received plans")
yay image

Unit tests are a big win for testing expected functionality!


Unit tests: test your code vs. expectations

Integration tests: test your code vs. reality

Integration tests

"Does our code actually fetch, receive, and handle data from the other system as expected?"

    // Excerpt from StackOverflow Answer
    func Test_create(t *testing.T) {
        tests := []struct {
            name string // Scenario name
            args args // Scenario arguments/config
            want bool // Expected result
            ... // test cases
        for _, tt := range tests {
            t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
                if got := create(tt.args.id); got != tt.want {
                    t.Errorf("create() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
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Integration tests...

  • Require real integrations(!)
  • Demonstrate that the actual integration works as expected (and produces expected data structures).
yay image

Integration tests...

  • Are slow.
  • Are flakey.
yay image

Solution(!?): Disable the tests!

  • Build tags (`+build integration`)
  • Test flags (`go test -long` or `go test -short`)

Ref: Stack Overflow (>300 votes in answers)

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System entropy

What happens when the system behaves differently than it once did?

  • Breaking changes
  • Non-breaking changes

Maybe it breaks, maybe it doesn't. Maybe you just miss things changing around the system.

How can we fix the main issues?

  • Slowness
  • Flakiness

Cache ALL the things!

  • HTTP Request
  • HTTP Response
  • Even the HTTP Response handler!

Enter: Go-VCR

Inspired by the VCR gem for Ruby

"go-vcr simplifies testing by recording your HTTP interactions and replaying them in future runs in order to provide fast, deterministic and accurate testing of your code."

What the !@#$ is a "VCR?"

A VCR, courtesy cottonbro studio via Pexels

What the !@#$ is a "VCR?"

  1. VCRs connect a data input (e.g. a Cable-TV coaxial cable) to a display device (e.g. a TV).
  2. VCRs can (optionally) transparently record the input stream onto a medium called a "cassette" during playback.
  3. VCRs can (optionally) playback recordings stored on "cassettes."

"VCR" - Primary [system] components


            type Recorder struct {
                // Cassette used by the recorder
                cassette *cassette.Cassette

                // Recorder options
                options *Options

                // Other stuff

A Recorder handles and manages recordings

  • Recording ("cassette") storage
  • Playback/Record modes
  • Playback hooks/callbacks

Go-VCR transparently wraps HTTP to your tests

A Recorder provides an HTTP Transport, to transparently wrap live or recorded HTTP request/responses while recording incoming and outgoing data into a cassette.

"VCR" - Primary [system] components

A VCR, courtesy Elijah O'Donnell via Pexels

"VCR" - Primary [system] components

  • A grouping of interactions between client/server
  • Cassette/File name

A cassette provides HTTP replayability

A cassette stores, and thus provides, all the details associated with HTTP interactions, allowing for transparent replayability.

Note: Cassettes can hold more than one interaction!

Cassette HTTP interactions are as 1:1 as you want them to be.

Your code won't even believe it's not live HTTP.

Your code won't believe it's not HTTP

VCR Recording modes

These are important toggles to keep in the back of your mind!

  • Record-only (no playback at all).
  • Replay-only (no recording at all).
  • Replay-with-new-episodes (record missing interactions, but keep the old).
  • Record-once (record once, playback all interactions, error if interaction is missing).
  • No replay/record (pass-through only).

[optional] Add a caching mechanism for unmarshaled HTTP response results in tests.

  • Read previously marshaled data from file.
  • Compare to newly marshaled data (from output of HTTP transport).
  • Fail if different.

Note: I used SourceGraph's Apache 2.0 licensed golden tests @ this test helper.

Demonstration: putting it all together

  1. Configure the test suite to use VCR's HTTP Transport.
  2. [optional] Add a caching mechanism for unmarshaled HTTP response results.
  3. Run the fast tests!

Note: the first test-run will be about as slow as your previous test runs (cache is empty; no cassettes exist).


With love, from DCEK logo

Reach out if you're interested in chatting about your testing strategies!
mo [at] dcek.com